Pineapple. Welcome to the Dogecoin Blockchain


start using Dogecoin.

Learn more »

Open Wallet browser based Ðogecoin wow

WELCOME to 'CP' ToolBox!.

Such a very place.

Here you'll find several low level functions, if you need or want them!

(use the F12 Console for this)


100 send Signed Transaction

777 get Balance for Ðogecoin address

778 get Unspent transactions for Ðogecoin address

779 get info about a txid

780 get Spent transactions for Ðogecoin address

20000 Convert USD to Dogecoin (courtesy of

Put text here and get a QR code or copy to clipboard:

Put text here and convert/unconvert from base58!

WELCOME to the Conversion to Dogecoin screen!

Convert Any Currency to XDG here (this will take you off this site)

Currency conversion powered by

New Ðogecoin Address create a new address

Any keys used you will need to manually store safely as they will be needed later to redeem the Ðogecoins.


This is the Pay Spot page.

Its primary purpose is to display one Dogecoin Multisig Address, and its balance.

Mobile to Mobile, the webpage is easily transferable via URL or QR code.


The Load Reddit Postings Button will find you all related reddit posts regarding that Pay Spot Dogecoin Address (sort by new)

This page does not store sensitive data (only the address itself is used).

(you know, if you want to, you just plug any old Dogecoin address into the URL and it becomes *your* PaySpot)

CREATE A MICRO INVOICE (New! It's finally here!)
Amount :

Micro Invoice! Pay Dogecoin Here


This is the Micro Invoice page.

THE BUTTONS (sort by new)


Shareable URL for this page!

QuatroShibe Dogecoin 3/4 Multisig


This webpage will enable you to do the following:

1) Create a 3/4 Multisig Address,

2) Look at it whenever you want, and

3) Spend Dogecoin from it assuming you've got the Private Keys.

Once you've created your QuatroShibe Multisig, save the URL in the blue box for future use.

The multisig featured here is made from 4 Public Keys and 4 Private Keys. In order to spend the Dogecoin, 3 of the 4 Private Keys must be utilized.

Do not offer your Public Key if you do not have a Private Key for it, because you will not have a Private Key to spend from the multisig with!

(if you have neither a Public Key nor a Private Key you need to make a New Dogecoin Address - see the top menu)

You can use a Private Suite Key with the QuatroShibe Multisig. To make a Private Suite Key, append two Private Keys together.

Place four Public Keys into the boxes below and click Next

To Address: Amount:

(the mining fee will be added on top of this amount, unless full amount, then it's subtracted!)

TripleShibe Dogecoin 2/3 Multisig












(these are available offline)

This webpage will enable you to do the following:

1) Create a 2/3 Multisig Address,

2) Look at it whenever you want, and

3) Spend Dogecoin from it assuming you've got the Private Keys.

Once you've created your TripleShibe Multisig, save the URL in the blue box for future use.

The multisig featured here is made from 3 Public Keys and 3 Private Keys. In order to spend the Dogecoin, 2 of the 3 Private Keys must be utilized.

Do not offer your Public Key if you do not have a Private Key for it, because you will not have a Private Key to spend from the multisig with!

(if you have neither a Public Key nor a Private Key you need to make a New Dogecoin Address - see the top menu)

You can use a Private Suite Key with the TripleShibe Multisig. To make a Private Suite Key, append two Private Keys together.

Place three Public Keys into the boxes below and click Next

To Address: Amount:

(the mining fee will be added on top of this amount, unless full amount, then it's subtracted!)

Ramin's Special Instructions

Hi Ramin, these instructions are just for you. If your name is not Ramin, TAKE HEED:

these are Ramin's special instructions

Let's get through this:


oh baby hold on

such wow mega cow moon jumping and very

New Ðogecoin Multisig Address Secure Ðogecoin multisig address

Public keys can be generated in your browser or from your Ðogecoin client.

The multisigs that can be at this site here are 1/1, 1/2, 2/2, 1/3, and 2/3.

(we might add more types later!)

Put the public key(s) here:

Enter the amount of signatures required to release the (doge)coins

New Time Locked Address Coins can be released only after a certain date

Use OP_CHECKLOCKTIMEVERIFY (OP_HODL) to create a time locked address where the funds are unspendable until a set date and time has passed.

Public keys can be generated in your browser or from your Ðogecoin client.

Enter the public key that will be able to unlock the funds after the a certain date.

Enter the date and time required to release the coins:

The webpage formerly known as New HD Address

(redeem page in training)

Redeem Script (leave blank if regular (non-multisig) address):


Transaction Create a new transaction

Use this page to create a raw transaction

Enter the address and amount you wish to make a payment to.

Enter the details of inputs you wish to spend.

Verify transactions and other scripts

Enter the raw transaction, redeem script, pubkey, hd address or wif key to convert it into a readable format that can be verified manually.

The no-name dogecoin tipbot client program

Tipping Approval Screen


to REGISTER, press the orange '+' button.


Welcome to the semi-decentralized tipbot client program

A proposed dogecoin tipbot client (Prototype) for r/dogecoin on reddit

This project is in co-development with addressbookbot on

addressbookbot is the central server maintaining the username/address pairs

no central authority holding your keys!(don't lose them)

This program is written in javascript and all computations are performed on your browser.

Registration for AddressBookBot

Register to addressbookbot!

Your reddit username:

Your dogecoin address

Registration for AddressBookBot

Your dogecoin address:

Broadcast Transaction into the Ðogecoin network

Enter your txid here:

Sign Dogecoin Transaction

Development Javascript framework, API and more

This section is currently under development and is subject to change.

About this website.

This project was started with open source source code. Please donate to them at: 1CWHWkTWaq1K5hevimJia3cyinQsrgXUvg (BTC)

Compatible with dogecoin-qt

What is Ðogecoin?

Ðogecoin is money with a dog on it.


The Ðogecoin Network inflates at the rate of 5.2 Billion Ðogecoins created per year.

The Dogecoin Network can handle several times the volume than the Bitcoin Network, as measured in terms of transactions per second.


Keys are generated on client side and we never ever see them. Nor do we want to see them.

Thank You



Select which network you'd like to use for key pair long as it's Ðogecoin hahaha

This page uses javascript to generate your addresses and sign your transactions within your browser, this means we never receive your private keys, this can be independently verified by reviewing the source code on github You can run this offline!